GEAPS Foundation Opens Grant Applications

March 11, 2024, Kansas City – The Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS) Foundation announced today the accepting of applications through June 10th towards the 2024 grant program which has a total available funding of $180,000.00.  

The GEAPS Foundation was established to support development of new and innovative resources for training grain and oilseed supply-chain industry professionals that are complimentary to the continuing education programs of the Grain Elevator and Processing Society.

Application submission is open to any any organization, institution or individual who can demonstrate competence and capacity for developing and delivery of eligible projects responsive to the Foundation’s purpose.

Target end-users of Foundation supported projects are GEAPS members and by extension, their employers. Attention will be focused toward the highest priority as identified by the Foundation while applications submitted for other requests will be considered ineligible for an award.   

Priority consideration will be given to projects that focus on grain quality or entry-level grain operations content. Professionals charged with grain quality management as well as new employees, especially those new to the grain industry, comprise target audiences in the GEAPS learning strategy and these topics are supported through consistent GEAPS member feedback. There is preference for any newly-developed content to be made available in more than one language, in addition to English. To be eligible for funding, projects must be complimentary to GEAPS’ professional development program with respect to one or more of these core competencies: grain quality, facility maintenance and design, general operations, risk management, and human resources.

Applying for a grant through the GEAPS Foundation is a two-step process, with the stage one application and proposal pre-qualification due June 10, 2024. Awards will be announced in the Fall of 2024.  Full details on the grant process, as well as  applications, are available on the GEAPS Foundation website at:


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